U.S. Temporary Virtual Office offers Concierge Services to European SMEs

Temporary Virtual Office in the United States of America offers Concierge Services to EU SMEs

Services offered by the Enterprise Europe Network partner

European-American Business Organization Group

For the last few weeks travel from Europe to the U.S. had already been restricted by internal company advisories. As of March 13th the U.S. Government has restricted travel from Europe to the U.S. for persons who are not U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents in the U.S. The European-American Business Organization Group (EABO) has developed this U.S. Concierge Services Desk especially for Small and Medium-sized Companies (SMEs) doing business in the U.S. since SMEs are the backbone of the economy, crucial for its well-being.

The Temporary Virtual Office can assist with Representing you on issues for which you might have to come here but now had to postpone and may not be able to come for quite some time | Interviewing potential employees via video and sending you a report | Visa and Immigration questions | Tax issues and tax filing dates | Tariff issues

If you have a company registered in one of the 50 U.S. states your company is seen as a U.S. company and can apply for all programs, subsidies and benefits offered to U.S. companies. Furthermore, and this may be of the most interest to European companies, U.S. cities, states and the federal government offer various programs, help and assistance for companies that have losses or face challenges because of the corona virus. As an example, in New York City the administration announced that businesses with fewer than 100 employees could be eligible for an interest-free loan up to $75,000. EABO is following these developments very closely and will constantly update its database to be able to benefit your company.

SMEs located in the Abruzzi region can present their request to access the U.S. Concierge Services Desk for SMEs by contacting Agenzia di Sviluppo, Enterprise Europe Network local desk, at the following email address: een@agenziadisviluppo.net. After a first assessment of the request, our staff will put you in direct contact with EABO. Please note that EABO’s service is not for free, the exact price will depend on what you ask them to do. EABO’s staff speaks the major European languages.

EABO is a member of the Enterprise Europe Network. The Enterprise Europe Network provides support for SMEs with international ambitions. Co-funded by the European Union's COSME and Horizon 2020 programmes, the Network's aim is to help businesses innovate and grow internationally. The Network is active in more than 60 countries worldwide. Get in touch with your local Network contact point by selecting the country and city closest to where your business is based https://een.ec.europa.eu/. To receive the latest updates from the Abruzzi local Enterprise Europe Network desk, follow us on our social media: Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram #EENcanHelp

Fonte: The European-American Business Organization, Inc.