Newsletter BRIDGEconomies dicembre 2022

Online l'edizione di dicembre 2022 della newsletter del Consorzio BRIDGeconomies, il punto di riferimento del Centro-Sud Italia della rete Enterprise Europe Network. Per gli approfondimenti sulle notizie scarica la newsletter e contattaci:

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07.12.2022 – h 9.30: Vendita e comunicazione online dei prodotti agroalimentari.

Webinar sul tema della vendita online dei prodotti alimentari.

6/12/16.12.2022 - h 10.30 -12.30: Ciclo di incontri per prevenire e gestire la crisi d’impresa

6 dicembre: “Prevenire la situazione delle crisi. Le novità del Codice della crisi e la procedura di composizione negoziata”.

12 dicembre: “Investire consapevolmente: scelte consapevoli e prevenzione delle trading-truffe”

16 dicembre: “Rischi da sovra-indebitamento: strumenti e servizi a disposizione di professionisti e micro imprenditori in difficoltà finanziaria”.

14.12.2022 – h 9.30 - 11.30: Appalti europei: quali sono le opportunità per le imprese italiane?

Webinar dedicato agli appalti europei per sensibilizzare le imprese sulla possibilità di partecipare alle gare europee fornendo informazioni pratiche per orientare e accompagnare le aziende nell'individuazione e valutazione delle opportunità presenti in base al proprio settore di attività e alla propria realtà aziendale


Per chi è interessato al mercato giapponese, numerosi sono i webinar organizzati regolarmente dal partner EU-Japan Centre:


Programmazione  UE 2021-2027 e  bandi Ue 

Unioncamere Europa in collaborazione con Enterprise Europe Network Italia offre il servizio programmazione 2021-2027 e bandi UE che fornisce un quadro della programmazione UE e delle opportunità di finanziamento europeo:

E ancora: L’insegnamento dei 30 anni | È tempo di bilancio! | Siamo sicuri? Il punto sulla cybersicurezza nell’UE | Turismo digitale: è possibile!


Offerte commerciali: A Ukrainian company engaged in the production of cardboard packaging is looking for partners abroad under a manufacturing agreement (BOUA20221125016) | Experienced Polish producer of metal products and steel structures is looking for manufacturing agreement, distribution services agreement, subcontracting and/or customers (BOPL20221125015) | Greek herbal cosmetics offered for a holistic approach to beauty (BOGR20221125009) | A German start-up has developed a one-stop Software as a Service (SaaS) platform that makes the advantages of digitalisation easily accessible for companies along the mining and construction value chain. The start-up is looking for international partnerships in the form of commercial agreements.(BODE20221124016) | Bulgarian company offers electronics services under manufacturing or subcontracting agreements. The company is looking to extend its international activities under manufacturing or subcontracting agreements. (BOBG20221124013).

Richieste commerciali: Romanian company specialized in manufacturing of handmade ice cream, seeks suppliers of raw material, for a supplier partnership agreement (BRRO20221108018) |  Romanian manufacturer of high-end slow fashion items for women seeks suppliers for ecologically certified hemp, flax, and woolen textiles, under supplier agreements (BRRO20221125007) | A French sales agency specialised in the healthcare industry seeks manufacturers of medical devices and equipment for commercial agency/distribution agreements for France and the MEA markets (BRFR20221124012) | Swedish SME searching for textile manufacturer for their self-branded line of women's lingerie (BRSE20221117010) | Danish company seeks manufacturers of small-sized dolls and toys (BRDK20221123003).

Offerte tecnologiche: French company designing and manufacturing sustainable disinfection machines searches partners under commercial agreement with technical assistance (TOFR20221124002) | A Spanish ICT company has developed an innovative robust audio watermarking technology that works at low bandwidth. The company is looking for commercial agreement with technical assistance (TOES20220606012) | A Ukrainian company offers a hardware-software complex for spectral correction. Type of cooperation: commercial agreement with technical assistance. (TOUA20221121024) | An enterprise from northern Germany is searching for partners who want to increase property value and improve natural climate in buildings while reducing their CO² footprints at the same time (TODE20221118006) | Dutch start-up offers its sustainable technology for controlling Japanese knotweed and other invasive plants (TONL20221118001).

Richieste tecnologiche: A Dutch company is looking for a sustainable alternative for their plastic active pharmaceutical ingredient (=API) packaging (TRNL20221121019) | French SME looking for a technology or digital solution or innovative marketing approach to make up for the lack of sensory experience when selling olfactory products online (TRFR20221110004) | Dutch company is looking for a solution where they can convert their UX/UI Designs into working open source websites (TRNL20221108022) | Canadian SME seeks simple digital diagnostic tools for primary care workers that can be used to collect digital patient data (eg cardiology, dermatology, blood pressure etc) (TRCA20221109024) | Latvian company is searching for a supplier/distributor of microchips and other necessary details for the fiscal block (TRLV20221109019)

Contattaci per conoscere tante altre opportunità di ricerca partner provenienti direttamente da colleghi esteri di Enterprise Europe Network:

Fonte: Enterprise Europe Network